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Showing posts from June, 2019

Wip Rotation Report

Cross Stitch Update  Welcome back! This time, I'm going to talk about the progress I've made on my wip's.  So here is my progress from June 16th- June 26th  Since the 16th I stitched on: J is for Jack O Lantern Leilani Still Life with Tangerines  Paris Market  J is for Jack O Lantern    I am in the center of the pumpkin right now. The floss colors are so autumnal. Found the perfect needle minder! J is for Jack O Lantern   Leilani  I am always excited to draw Leilani in my lottery! She is my first Mirabilia and I absolutely love her. The first time I saw her was when I was watching a Flosstube video. I gasped she was so beautiful. When my Mother said she was a freebie, I was over the moon. The Caron Waterlillies are a joy to use. I made some substitutions here and there and this is not the called for fabric. Leilani Still Life with Tangerines    Luca S hits it outta the park ea...

Wip Update of the Letter D

EmnEllie Cross Stitch Designs   Hello again! It's been really hot outside lately, but I don't mind; just means I stay inside and stitch more!   Been a busy week so far. I've started keeping a little stitchy log book to help me keep track of my progress. It's a tiny version of those black and white composition books and it doesn't take up a lot of room in the Ikea shelf next to my stitchy spot. If I keep it next to my stitchy spot, I might remember to write in it. I have a terrible memory.   This chart is one of my designs. I'm marching my way through the alphabet! A, B and C are done and if you'd like to see them, there is a link to my Etsy shop on the right hand side of my blog.   So here is what it looks like now: The Letter D    So this is my progress after stitching on Tuesday and Wednesday. I stitched the two thin bands around the top and right hand sides, the single band on the left and then the upper right hand corner. I've incorpo...

My Current Rotation

Cross Stitch Update  Today I'd like to introduce you to my rotation.   But first, let me explain how I choose what to stitch on everyday. I use a lottery system, mostly because I have a lot of wip's right now, and partly because I'm terrible at making decisions. I used to spend so much time agonizing over which one to stitch on. It also means that I spend a good amount of time on all of my wip's, not just the ones that are calling to me. I have gotten two  finishes since I started using this system at the beginning of the year.   I have seen some Flosstubers using an app, but my Mother and I thought that this would be much more fun after seeing Sitchin' Mommy use a similar system on her Flosstube channel for her Arbitrary August videos. The only day that I don't use the lottery is on Sunday. I stitch on whatever is calling to me on Sundays.   I used eight glass beads- the kind you buy at the dollar store- and labeled them A through H with a Sharpie. Then I...