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Showing posts from November, 2019

Monday Cross Stitch Update #2

This Week's Progress on J is for Jack O Lantern  I drew this one with so much confidence. "Ok!" I thought,"This week I'm going to make a ton of progress. I'll even start using green floss!" And then I hardly stitched on it at all. Ahhhhh! I don't know what's wrong with me! Here's what it looked like before (I think I picked this one up once or twice in October as well):   Before And here's my progress: After Not as much done on this one as I had hoped for, but every stitch counts. It's starting to look very pumpkin-ish. Next in the Rotation is... Drum roll, drum roll, drum roll... Paris Market! Hurray! It's been awhile since I've been to Paris. The colors in this kit are amazing. There are quite a few blended colors in here as well. We'll see how much I get done; I'll try to go to Paris as often as I can this week! Happy Stitching! Marisol

Monday Cross Stitch Update

Last week's Stitching Progress Last Sunday I drew Great Wave off Kanagawa. I feel like I could have made more progress, but it was a busy week, so at least I got this much stitching time in. Here's what it looked like at the beginning of the week: And here's what it looks like now: That's a lot of cream! The next few pages are pretty non-confetti heavy. If I dedicate more stitching time to this one the next time I draw it, I'm pretty sure I can get a page finish. Next in the Rotation is...   Drum roll, drum roll, drum roll... J is for Jack O Lantern! How seasonal. I will definitely make more time for J is for Jack O Lantern this week. Hopefully I can make it to some green floss! Looking forward to seeing you next week. Happy Stitching! Marisol

Changes to the Blog

Hi! I have decided that I want to post more frequently. Lately, I have not been making much progress on my personal stitching. People on Flosstube say that when they are more consistent in their wip updates, they feel more motivated to stitch. Now, I'm not losing my stitching bug, I just feel that if I posted more updates, more progress would be made on my rotation projects. So, my plan is to change the way my rotation works. Instead of drawing a new project everyday, I will draw a project from my lottery once a week on Sunday. Then, on Monday or Tuesday, I will post the progress I made on that wip during the previous week. But because it's November, I will also stitch on Turkey Bay, to get in the Thanksgiving spirit. Once a month, I will also start posting a shop update. That will probably start at the beginning of December. Looking forward to sharing more updates with you all! Happy stitching! Marisol