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Showing posts from July, 2021

Wednesday Tangerines

Hello again, cross stitch people.  Since my last update, much progress has been made on the tangerine to the far left. Currently, his leaf is in the process of appearing in all its leafy beauty. The stem has started to take shape too.  I sense a page finish in my near future!  Also, a reminder- I have no control over myself when it comes to buying a new projects.  Stash alert: The shading in this kit is incredible. Luca S hasn't disappointed me yet. Look at those soulful eyes. Who could resist them? Going to employ just a bit of self control, however, by not starting this one until I finish one of my other wip's. (It also helps that I've run out of empty project bags.) Happy Stitching! Marisol

Saturday Stitching, Tangerine Edition

It was a rainy week here in my stitching cottage. Overcast, wet, and unusually cool. Even turned the A/C off in the middle of the day (an unusual occurence in the South).  As I said last week, I'm super serious about getting a finish. Lately, I haven't been stitching as much as I used to, but it feels like I've got my stitchy bug back. Here's my progress pics to prove it!  Voila! Another tangerine begins to appear! That top leaf in the middle is completed, and boy am I happy with how it turned out.  Zooming in, I think another leaf is beginning to take shape: See? In the center of the picture? It's a bit washed out here, but it's almost a lime green in real life.  Happy Saturday, and happy stitching!

Friday Stitching Update, Tangerine Edition

I'm determined to finish these tangerines this month. Now, that won't be a chore, because it is quite frankly a beautiful chart. It's such a joy to go from orange floss, to green floss, to the occasional bit of an almost red floss. It looks like a watercolor when you stare at it from across the room.  But. I also want to start a new project, and since I have so many projects on the go right now (and I've also run out of project bags. Shhhhh) the rational side of my brain is telling me to get a finish then make a new start.  Anyways, here is my progress on Still Life with Tangerines by Luca S Please forgive the shadows, it's a bit cloudy outside today. You can clearly see where the next page starts! And that stem on the middle tangerine still needs a bit more work.