So close to a finish I can taste it! Just have a tiny bit of a page left, another leaf or so and; done! Here's where I'm at right now: Who needs food and sleep right? I should just spend all 24 hours of my day stitching until I cross the finish line 😂 Feeling Fall in the air (at least I will be soon) I also had the irresistable temptation to pick up one of my Fall wip's. I decided to pick up J is for Jack-O-Lantern by Prairie Schooler. Made some nice progress on that lovely pumpkin. Here's what it looks like now: Pretty nice, right? Love that shape. Also, the fabric that my Q-Snap is resting on is a project bag that my Mother made for me. You can never go wrong with polka dots. Happy Stitching! Marisol
Welcome to my cross stitch blog! I share wip updates, free charts, beautiful music, and food.