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Showing posts from April, 2023

A Sewing Machine Restoration and Auroras

  Photo by Lightscape on Unsplash Happy Tuesday! Have you seen any auroras lately? A few days ago there was a solar storm that caused these beautiful lights to appear in the sky. According to an article from Space : This time, skywatchers around the world were treated to dazzling aurora borealis displays that reached as far south as Colorado and New Mexico. In Europe, auroras were spotted as far south as France and Germany. At the other end of the scale, the aurora australis was spotted as far North as New South Wales' central west, Australia.  Definitely click on that article link, it’s got so many gorgeous aurora pictures. No auroras were spotted here above the castle, unfortunately. Even though we didn’t see any astronomical light show, we did have a unicorn sighting. I have the pictures to prove it too:  Three legs, a tummy, and a tail. So far so good! Hopefully by the next blog post, I'll have started stitching the head. I have a confession to make- I really love wa...

Cake, Mad Scientists, and a Hoof

 Happy Friday! I am having a very happy Easter, and I hope you are too. The other day, I was deeply disturbed to learn of a new-to-me Pepsi flavor... Peep flavored Pepsi. Absolutely not. Nope. Never. Mind you, I've never liked Peeps anyway, but to mix that and Pepsi? No thanks. Here's an article about it from Food & Wine: Pepsi's Peeps-Flavored Soda is Back Besides finishing the right hand side of this band (yay!) I've also started stitching the unicorn. Voila: Hoof, tail, and a bit of his rear. Also, check out that flower and clover. I like the way the flower at the top is bright red. The top and bottom part of this band is wonderfully repetitive. It's quick to stitch, and looks amazing when it's done. This time I have a movie recommendation for you. It's called, "Sachetorte." It's not only the name of the movie, but according to Wikipedia it's also: [A] chocolate cake, or torte, of Austrian origin Once you watch the movie, you'll...

A Finished Band, a Unicorn, and a Renaissance Lady

  Paolo Uccello, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Happy Monday! It's been over a week since my last post, and since then I've made some pretty big progress on Medieval Menagerie. To see the dramatic change, here's my last WIP update picture:  Medieval Menagerie by Fox and Rabbit Got a good look at where I was? Good! Now here's where I made it to since then. Drum roll please... Medieval Menagerie by Fox and Rabbit  Hurrah! Got a band finished! It's amazing how much stitching time you can get in when you put on a podcast or an audiobook. More pictures: Medieval Menagerie by Fox and Rabbit Those stags were so fun to stitch. For the next band, I decided to start on the right hand side, so I would start stitching the Unicorn first. When I think of Unicorns, I go down this train of thought about the TV series Inspector Lewis and Italian Renaissance painter Paolo Uccello. The Wikipedia page of his painting The Hunt in the Forest  has this tidbit that makes my train of...