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Irish Charts and Roses


Photo by Oleksandr Kuzmin on Unsplash

Spring is in the air here at the Castle. The Castle Rose Garden looks like it's getting ready to burst into bloom at the first spell of continuous warm weather. Inside the Castle I’ve been busily stitching away at Nikolai. The days aren’t super bright yet, so I have had to use my lamp. My apologies for the semi-darkness of this photo:

Everything looks a bit washed out, but I assure you that in real life there are plenty of very nice colors in this project! I’m thinking that I’ll put Nikolai away at the end of March / beginning of April. By then, my goal is to have the column I’m currently working on finished at the very least. Hopefully I’ll have started another column. My next project will most likely be Medieval Menagerie again. It’s my focus right now, because I really want that hanging on my wall. I think a dark colored frame would complement the garnet floss and the ivory fabric.

Can you believe that St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner? If you want to celebrate the day with some Irish-themed cross stitch or give a gift to someone in your life who's Irish, I've got you covered!

Here's a link to my Irish Charts post.

Sometimes you just need to listen to a good Waltz. Here's some Tchaikovsky to stitch to. (Caution: it's very catchy and dreamy to listen to. You may lose track of where you are in your chart if you listen to this while stitching!)


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