Frozen February
It's cold here. And when I say cold, I don't mean, let's go and make a mug of hot chocolate, kind of cold. I mean, oh, this must be how they feel on Antartctic expeditions, kind of cold. But, like Shackleton, I'm hanging in there.
A Horse Head
While I seem to be having slight difficulty with the weather, the brave Nikolai keeps his cheerful smile (hidden under his mustache) while he gallops through the even more intense Russian winter.
The ladies horse is coming along nicely:
Going to brainstorm for the next few days. Nikolai has his name, so the lady should have a name too. 🤔
I love the touches of pink in the sky. The snowy trees fading in the distance look great. It's amazing what a mix of half stitches and whole stitches can make. Riolis did a fantastic job with this kit.
A Waltz
Admit it- you like to twirl around your house dancing to waltzes. (I can't be the only one doing this!! 🧐)
A seasonally appropriate waltz for you here.
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