While I was stitching the other day, I listened to a podcast about the very interesting history of Champagne. The podcaster covered some of the story of the region, as well as the famous drink that bears it’s name. I learned so much from this episode; for example that Dom Perignon was a real person. First Chef Boyardee, now Dom Perignon. I find myself squinting at other brand names and brand mascots wondering, “Were they a real person too?” ...
Paolo Chiabrando on Unsplash Happy Tuesday! It's a rainy, windy day here at the Castle. When the wind whistles past the windows, it makes me feel like I'm in Jane Eyre, looking out across a moor. Have you ever read Jane Eyre? It was required reading for me in High School. So, have you ever read a book that's so engrossing that you can't bring yourself to put it down? That's what Jane Eyre was like for me. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it! While we're still on this topic, here's a free Jane Eyre cross stitch chart that I found on one of my adventures in the magical land of Pinterest. Slow and steady wins the race, as the old saying goes. Here's my progress on Nikolai: Russian Hunting by Riolis I've reached the other side of the horse's neck and chest! That bit of yellow peeking out on the far left hand side is the background starting to appear again. I believe that black line is one of the horse's reins. Square by squar...
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