Everything is Caramel The seasons aren't the only changes here at the Castle. Another thing that's changing is my coffee flavors. I know it's pumpkin spice season for many (psssttt ... if you need a free pumpkin spice cross stitch chart , click here). But it's not really a flavor that I like. Instead, if I could make everything into caramel that would be wonderful. My go-to homemade coffee lately has been a hot cup of instant coffee from Germany, with powdered creamer, no sugar, and an amazing new-to-me salted caramel cold foam. If you're like I was a few weeks ago, and have no idea what cold foam is, here's a great article by the website Fluent in Coffee that describes what it is. The article includes a few recipes, but my grocery store sells a bunch of different flavors in spray cans, of which you guessed it, salted caramel is my absolute favorite. I like using the cold foam on my hot coffee and my iced coffee . Besides being delicious it...
EmnEllie Cross Stitch Blog
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