Out in the garden, some of my plants have started to produce vegetables, while others have decided to just be and enjoy the Spring sunshine. With the exception of the last few days (which have been crisp, cool, dark, and rainy) the weather has been perfect for the plants to do a bit of sunbathing. Speaking of sun and plants, here's my progress on Paris Market: Lots of half stitches, and isn't that a pretty salmon pink? Bits of green and grey have started to appear too! Moving on to the Mystery Band Sampler: Readers, we have a tail! I love this bright red part of the variegated floss :) Sorry about the darkness of the pictures, but like I said, it’s been a dark, rainy kind of day. Inspiration struck me recently, and I made a new chart for the shop. This was such a fun one to design: I modeled it after vintage First Communion Holy cards and illustrations from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The backstitch at the top really gives it an interesting look, and the long-...
Welcome to my cross stitch blog! I share wip updates, free charts, beautiful music, and food.