Happy April everybody! They say that April showers bring May flowers, so let's hope that's true this year. It seems like April mostly brings me a bad case of allergies, but let's be optimists this year and say it will bring lots of lovely rain storms.
Don't you just love the sound of rain? I do. There's nothing quite like being in the middle of a rain storm, hearing the patter of the drops, and smelling that fresh, clean rain water smell. If we don't get calming spring showers, then I'll be forced to take drastic steps- digital rain. Have you seen this type of video before?
Isn't that just the most cozy looking stitching chair? And look, there's a nice lamp too. This video is very pleasant to have on in the background when you're stitching or reading. Over Christmas I read the Lord of the Rings books with this playing.
Side note; what the heck did they do to Faramir in the films? The difference between the book Faramir and the film Faramir is startling. He's a thousand times more likeable in the books. Mind you, I still like the films overall. Ok, rant over, back to talking about digital rain.
My cat, Lady Caterine De Purr, (here is her namesake. They have very similar personalities) is fascinated by any fireplace noises in the videos.
Cross Stitch Update
If you want to see what my progress was last week, here's a link to a post with a before picture.
And here's what I've stitched since then:
I didn't realize how far I've gotten! The motifs are repetitive in a good way, and I'm currently on a part of the floss that is bright red. Doesn't the DMC 115 make the pattern glow? I think I'll be starting a new band in the coming week. Hurrah!
Water is wet. The sky is blue. Everyone likes free cross stitch charts. That's a fact of the universe. Keep your eyes on this blog 👀 around every three weeks, because that's when I plan on posting cross stitch freebies. Here's a link to all the free designs I've made so far.
Music to Stitch to
Happy Stitching!
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